I made two promises after my brother died: to run a charity marathon in his place and to avoid Jeremiah Dermot at all costs.
So when my car's broken down on the side of the road while my parents are at a retreat to save their crumbling marriage, of course Jeremiah's the one who pulls up and offers to give me a ride.
I don't care how handsome he is when he looks at me with those adventure eyes or that any other girl would give everything to drive across the country with him. No,
I'm thinking about my brother and the little boy in hospice he wanted to run this race for.
Now I have two choices: break a promise to my brother, or take a road trip with my enemy.
Get lost in this story that makes you feel in ways you've never felt before. Road Trip with the Enemy will leave you breathless, restless, smiling, and believing enemies can have a happily ever after.