The key to getting anywhere in life is knowing which direction to take. Guide your teen down the right path with the help of John Bytheway in this eBook Bundle! The three popular and humorous titles included in this bundle will hand your teens inspiration and guidance for some of the most crucial years of their lives.
Are Your Standards Fences or Guardrails?
Are the standards of the Church like a fence that says "Keep Out," or are they more like a guardrail that says, "Arrive Alive?"
Using humor, stories, the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet and numerous statements from Church leaders, John Bytheway explains exactly what's expected of all of us concerning the three M's—Media, Modesty, and Morality.
You'll see that Satan's strategy is to take you on forbidden detours and send you off a cliff, while the Lord's way is designed to lead you to the temple and maximum joy. More than just a long list of do's and don'ts, the standards are the highway to happiness.
The Talk on CD was published in 2001 and is based on the 1990 For the Strength of Youth pamphlet.
A Crash Course in Teenage Survival
High school has never been tougher, but neither have the amazing teenagers who survive those wonderful, awful, great, terrible, fulfilling, and frustrating years.
Thousands have gone before you, and you will make it, too. A Crash Course in Teenage Survival will give you answers to your questions about seeking popularity, developing spiritually and socially, learning to repent, and discovering your divine worth.
A Crash Course in Teenage Survival brings What I Wish I'd Known in High School, volumes 1 and 2 together under one cover. Join John Bytheway for the first and second semesters of a course unlike any other you've ever taken. Stick around for a bonus "summer school" section of entirely new chapters. It's a must-have for teenagers and the parents an leaders who love them—the complete John Bytheway survival guide to high school.
How to Be an Extraordinary Teenager
What's the difference between an ordinary teenager and an extraordinary one? A great deal, as sought-after youth speaker John Bytheway points out in his latest book for teens.
In his usual lively manner John Bytheway draws useful contrasts between typical and better-than-typical teenage attributes and invites
readers to rise above the ordinary. After all, being extraordinary is just being ordinary with a little "extra!"
Ordinary Teens
It's easy to push the buttons of ordinary teens. That's because they give away the remote to their feelings. They say things like, "He makes me so mad" or "She drives me crazy." If someone walking down the hall doesn't say "Hi," ordinary teens act as if someone just pointed a remote at them and pushed "be depressed."
Extraordinary Teens
Extraordinary teens control themselves. They're not controlled by others. Not even remotely. They keep their control inside. They realize that the things others do may influence them but not control them. They can channel their feelings, lower the volume of outside voices, or mute them altogether. They have the power. They hold their own remote.