In a gospel full of magnificent beauty, perhaps the concept of forgiveness is the most beautiful gift of all. It is a divine grace, bestowed in its purest form through the Savior's Atonement and available to each of us daily as we receive and extend mercy. And each sing instance of forgiving immediately becomes a double blessing, touching both the person who forgives and the one who is forgiven.
In Twice Blessed, author Michael Wilcox explores many rooms of "the mansion of forgiveness." From forgiveness within the family to forgiveness for repeated offenses to forgiveness of the deepest of wounds, each case is unique and requires a different type of healing. "As with all aspects of the gospel, forgiveness is much deeper and more beautiful than we appreciate on our first examinations," writes Wilcox.
Is there someone you are struggling to forgive? Are you finding it nearly impossible to forgive yourself, even long after God and others have forgiven you? Spend some time in the mansion of forgiveness, and secure for yourself the double blessing that Heavenly Father is so eager to give.