Danu Morrigan's second book, "Dear Daughter ..." follows on from "You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother." It is a collection of 100 letters she has sent to DONMs all over the world. Full of validation, clarity, warmth and wisdom, this book is to support and inspire DONMs on their journey to healing and thriving.
Here's a sample of what other DONMs have said about these letters:
'The letters are coming out in a book? That's great!!!!! I would like to have the letters to read over for meditation. I learn something every time I go back and reread them.'
'Your site and your weekly letters have been not only empowering, but incredibly vindicating. I won't say I couldn't have done it without them, but they certainly helped conceive my rebirth and encourage it to grow and flourish.'
'I find your descriptions of specific details and emotional landscape are really enlightening and validating for the type of emotions and experiences I encounter, which I may not be realizing myself, because of the usual mental unclarity, confusion, fog and such things. You put names and words and meaning to these experiences, and that is so useful, like a breeze of air in a stuffed room.'
'Your letters have been a godsend. I can't tell you how much they have helped me.'